HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

Node_WWN. Node World Wide Name of the disk.
MFR. Physical disk manufacturer.
Model. Physical disk manufacturer’s device ID.
Serial. Physical disk manufacturer’s serial number.
FW_Rev. Physical disk manufacturer’s firmware revision tracking string.
The following example displays chunklet use information for all disks:
cli% showpd c
-------- Normal Chunklets --------- - Spare Chunklets --
- Used -- -------- Unused --------- - Used - - Unused
ID CagePos Type State Total OK Fail Free Uninit Unavail Fail OK Fail Free Uninit
0 0:0:0 NL normal 2793 76 0 2717 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
1 0:3:0 FC normal 272 234 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 34
0 0
2 0:4:0 NL normal 2793 76 0 2717 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
3 0:7:0 FC normal 272 228 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 34
0 0
4 total 6130 614 5448 68
The columns in the previous example are identified as follows:
ID. Physical disk ID, as assigned by the system. For unadmitted disk the ID appears as dashes
CagePos.Position of PD, in the format <cage>:<side>.<mag>:<disk> where <cage>
is the cage number, <side> is 0 or 1 depending on whether the cage is on the left or right
(from the front view) of the disk chassis, <mag> is the magazine number (0 through 4) and
<disk> is the disk number (0 through 3) within the magazine. If the position ends with a
question mark (?) the current position of the drive is not known (for example, the drive may
be missing), and the position shown is the last known position.
Type – Device type of the PD.
FC – Fibre Channel
NL – Nearline
SSD – Solid State Drive
State. State of the PD can be one of the following:
normal – PD is normal
degraded – The PD is not operating normally. Use showpd -s to find out the detail
new – The PD is new, needs to be admitted before it can be used (see help admitpd).
failed – The PD has failed.
Total. Total size of the disk in MB (1024^2 bytes).
Normal Chunklets. This area provides information about chunklets that are not reserved
for use as spares.
426 Show Commands