HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

The setqos command creates and updates QoS rules in a system.
The syntax for the setqos command can be one of the following examples:
setqos [options] [{vvset:{<name>|<pattern>}|sys:all_others}]...
Super, Edit
Any role granted the qos_set right can set QoS configurations.
-io {<limit>|none}
Set the QoS I/O issue count rate limit to <limit>. If "none" is specified, there is no limit on I/O
issue count.
-bw {<limit>[k|K|m|M|g|G]|none}
Set the QoS I/O issue bandwidth rate limit to <limit>. If "none" is specified, there is no limit on
I/O issue bandwidth rate.
Enable / disable QoS scheduling for the target object. By default QoS scheduling is "on".
Stop QoS scheduling of the rule and clear its setting.
-vv {<vv_name>|<pattern>}[,{<vv_name>|<pattern>]...
Applies only to QoS rules whose targets include virtual volumes with names matching any of the
names or patterns specified.
The target objects of QoS setting. <name> and <pattern> refer to the target object name, as listed
in showvvset commands. If "sys:all_others" is specified, the QoS rule will be applied to the
group of all virtual volumes, which don't have any specific QoS rule applied.
The following example sets the IOPs limit of vvset vsa to 300:
cli% setqos -io 300 vvset:vsa
The following example turns off the QoS scheduling for vvset vsa:
cli% setqos -off vvset:vsa
The following example removes all QoS settings of all vvsets:
cli% setqos -clear vvset:*
312 Set Commands