HP 3PAR Command Line Interface Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97016, June 2013)

The setclienv command sets the CLI environment parameters.
setclienv <parameter> <value>
Super, Service, Edit, Browse
Any role granted the clienv_set right.
The specifiers include the parameters and values to which the parameters should be set. Valid
parameters and their values are as follows:
Enter one of the following:currentdomain
The name of the domain that you wish to set as the working domain for the current CLI session.
-unset to set no current domain.
Enter one of the following:listdom
0 - (Default) Do not include the domain column in the output.
1 - Include domain column where relevant.
Enter one of the following:csvtable
0 - (Default) Normal table printing format.
1 - Comma Separated Values (CSV) format.
Enter one of the following:nohdtot
0 - (Default) Show header and total lines.
1 - Does not show the header and total lines.
<nlines> - Specifies the number of lines of data to display before an output header is displayed.
If <nlines> is 10 or more, print the header after every <nlines> of data. If <nlines> is less than
10, print only the header at the beginning.
<nlines> - For the hist and stat commands, specifies the number of lines of data to display
as soon as the data is available. Default is 5000 if histstatnum is not set or set to 0. The data
sorting will be within the <histstatnum> rows.
NOTE: This parameter is only supported when connected via SSH. Specifies the command line
editing mode. Enter one of the following:
emacs - (Default) Use emacs-style line editing.
vi - Use vi-style line editing.
284 Set Commands