HP 3PAR OS 3.1.2 MU5 Upgrade Instructions

6 Deploying the HP 3PAR OS to the Service Processor via
the Secure Service Collector
The following software upgrade can be applied to the service processor via the Secure Service
Collector database.
CAUTION: The SP level must be at SP-4.1.0.GA-97 before uploading a package. Using an
earlier SP version to upload a package might cause a failure and require a rebuild of the SP
CAUTION: Do not use a collector server SSH remote session to connect to the SP to perform an
update. The connection resets during the update and update fails. The SP might require a rebuild
of the software when an update fails.
CAUTION: All SPmaint sessions must be stopped before deploying the package.
NOTE: The following procedure is only for internal use and must be performed by an authorized
1. Establish a connection and log on to the Secure Service Collector.
2. Click the Software tab in the top right corner.
3. Click Deploy packages to assets over the internet.
4. Search and select the package for HP 3PAR OS and click Next.
5. In the Select Assets table, select the MP device to which you want to download the package,
and then click Add Checked.
6. Click Next.
7. Select Schedule package for immediate deployment option, and then click Next.
NOTE: Select Schedule for later deployment option only when specified by the customer.
Ensure that a proper date and time values are specified.
8. To receive notifications as the package deploys, select the appropriate notification options,
enter your contact information, and then click Next.
9. Review the confirmation information, and then click Deploy.
10. To check the status of the deployment, use the Package Deployment Manager. To refresh the
page, press F5.
NOTE: It can take several hours to deliver the package from the Secure Service Collector
to the SP.
11. After the deployment is complete, exit the session and log off.
12. From the SPMAINT main menu, enter: =1.1 (Display SP Version).
13. Verify that the InForm OS release (3.1.2) entry displays
14. Enter: =1.13(Display SP status).
15. Compare the postupgrade SP processes with the preupgrade SP processes listed before you
applied the HP 3PAR OS package. For an example of the basic list, see the table Example
of Basic SP Processes (page 11)
If the basic SP processes are running, you can now install the OS on the storage system.
If the basic SP processes differ after the HP 3PAR OS package installation, see the HP 3PAR
Service Processor Software Troubleshooting Guide.