HP 3PAR-to-3PAR Storage Peer Motion Guide (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97008, June 2013)

Post Migration Cleanup
The Post Migration Cleanup feature does the following:
Unexport all Peer Motion-migrated volumes from the migration host.
Remove the VLUNs associated with the volumes being unexported.
Remove the migration host from the source system.
NOTE: The migration host is an interim host created by the Peer Motion process. Therefore,
migration cleanup is not complete until the migration host is removed from the source system.
To use the Post Migration Cleanup command, the following conditions are required:
Super user role.
A Peer Motion configuration that has a source and destination system.
No admitted (peer) volumes or importing volumes on the destination system .
A migration host exists.
After the system completes the post-migration cleanup, you can start a new migration using the
existing Peer Motion configuration and the current peer ports. To delete the existing Peer Motion
configuration and reconfigure the peer ports as host ports, use the Remove PM Configuration
You must complete post-migration cleanup after each migration (import task) finishes.
To remove the migration host after the data migration process is complete:
1. Select Peer Motion in the Manger Pane.
2. In the Common Actions panel, click Post Migration Cleanups.
The Post Migration Cleanup dialog box appears.
3. Click OK to remove the migration host on the source system.
Removing a Peer Motion Configuration
This feature enables you to remove the Peer Motion configuration. It also removes the migration
host, if one exists on the source system. You can keep peer ports for later use or change them to
host ports.
The following conditions are required to use the Remove PM Configuration command:
Super user role
A Peer Motion configuration that has a source and destination system
No admitted (peer) volumes or importing volumes on the destination system
To remove a PM Configuration:
1. Select Peer Motion in the Manger Pane.
2. In the Common Actions panel, click Remove PM Configuration.
The Remove PM Configuration dialog box appears.
3. Select the Unconfigure the Peer Ports check box.
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