HP 3PAR CIM API Programming Reference (OS 3.1.2 MU2) (QL226-97015, June 2013)

Operation: This parameter describes the type of modification to be made to the replica and/or
to the related associations.
TargetGroup: Reference to the replication group (vvset)
Jobs: Array of references to ConcreteJob associated with each of the volume in ReplicaGroup.
This is a 3PAR-specific method used for resync and promotes of physical copy vvset or promote of
snapshot vvset.
uint32 ReplicationService.GetAvailableTargetElements(
[IN, Required] CIM_LogicalElement REF SourceElement,
[IN, Required] uint16 SyncType,
[IN, Required] uint16 Mode,
[IN, EmbeddedInstance ( "SNIA_ReplicationSettingData" )]
string ReplicationSettingData,
[IN] CIM_SettingData REF TargetSettingGoal,
[IN] CIM_ResourcePool REF TargetPools[],
[IN] CIM_ServiceAccessPoint REF TargetAccessPoint,
[OUT] CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job,
[OUT] CIM_LogicalElement REF Candidates[] );
Use to get all of the candidate target elements for the supplied source element. Parameters are:
SourceElement: The source StorageVolume.
SyncType: Snapshot or Clone
Mode: Synchroous or Asynchronous
ReplicationSettingData: The parameter is useful for requesting a specific combination of thinly
and fully provisioned elements. For us this will be NULL.
TargetSettingGoal: Desired target StorageSetting. If NULL, settings of the source elements shall
be used. We do not support this so input should be NULL.
TargetPools[]: The storage pools for the target elements. If specified, this must always be the
DeltaReplicaStoragePool associated with the source volume.
TargetAccessPoint: Reference to target access point information. If NULL, only local targets
are returned. For us this can only be NULL.
Job: This will always be NULL.
Candidates[]: The list of the candidate target StorageVolume found.
uint32 ReplicationService.GetReplicationRelationships(
[IN] uint16 Type,
[IN] uint16 SyncType,
[IN] uint16 Mode,
[IN] uint16 Locality,
[IN] uint16 CopyState,
[OUT] CIM_ConcreteJob REF Job,
[OUT] CIM_Synchronized REF Synchronizations[] );
Use to get all of the synchronization relationships known to the processing replication service.
Parameters are:
Type: The type of synchronization relationships, for example, StorageSynchronized or
GroupSynchronized. If this parameter is not supplied, all such relationships are retrieved.
SyncType: If this parameter is not supplied, all SyncTypes are retrieved.
114 CIM API SMI-S Support