Fabric OS FCIP Administrators Guide v6.4.0 (53-1001766-01, November 2010)

6 Fabric OS FCIP Administrator’s Guide
7800 switch hardware overview
7800 switch hardware overview
Figure 2 shows the FC ports and GbE ports on the 7800 switch. There are sixteen FC ports,
numbered 0 through 15. The FC ports can operate at 1, 2, 4, or 8 Gbps. There are six GbE ports.
Ports 0 and 1 are available as either RJ-45 ports or SFP ports. Only six total GbE ports may be used.
The GbE ports provide up to 6 Gbps of bandwidth.
FIGURE 2 7800 switch FC and GbE ports
The 7800 switch comes in two models:
The 7800 4/2 base model uses FC ports 0 through 3, and GbE ports 0 and 1. The GbE ports
may be either copper or optical. The RJ-45 copper ports are the default.
The 7800 16/6 uses FC ports 0 through 15 and GbE ports 0 through 5. The 7800 upgrade
license is required. A 7800 upgrade license may be purchased for a 7800 4/2, which enables
twelve more Fibre Channel ports for a total of sixteen, and enables the use of four more optical
GbE ports for a total of six.
7800 switch license options
Some of the capabilities of the 7800 switch require feature licenses. These include the following:
The 7800 upgrade license to enable full hardware capabilities, full FCIP tunnel capabilities,
support of advanced capabilities like open systems tape pipelining (OSTP), FICON CUP support,
and separately licensed advanced FICON acceleration capabilities.
The Advanced Extension License to enable FCIP trunking and Adaptive Rate Limiting (ARL).
The Advanced FICON acceleration license to enable accelerated tape read/write and
accelerated data mirroring over distance in FICON environments.
The IR is required for FCR. The IR license is required to configure VEX_ports.
Please refer to Chapter 16 of the Brocade Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide for complete
information about licensing requirements.
FC ports 0 through 3.
FC ports 4 through 15.
Copper GbE ports 0 and 1. These ports are RJ-45 copper alternatives for GbE ports 0 and 1.
GbE ports 0 though 5.
2 4
1 3