Fabric OS FCIP Administrators Guide v6.4.0 (53-1001766-01, November 2010)

Fabric OS FCIP Administrator’s Guide 95
FCIP links
Gathering additional information
The following commands should be executed and their data collected before a supportsave is run.
A supportsave can take 10 minutes or more to run, and some of the information is time critical.
The portshow -perf and - params options can be applied only to the 7500 switch and FR4-18i blade.
traceDump -n
portTrace --show all
portTrace --status
For issue specific to tunnel ports, run and collect the data from the following commands:
portShow [slot number/]<geport number>
If possible, run and collect the data from the following commands:
portShow ipif [slot number/]<geport number>
Displays IP interface configuration for each GbE port (IP address, gateway and MTU)
portShow arp [slot number/]<geport number>
portShow iproute [slot number/]<geport number>
portShow fciptunnel [slot number/]<geport number> <all | tunnel ID>
Displays complete configuration of one or all of the FCIP tunnels
portShow fciptunnel -all -params
portShow fciptunnel -all -perf
portShow fciptunnel -all -credits
portCmd <--ping |--traceroute |--perf >
Ping and traceroute utility
Performance to determine path characteristics between FCIP endpoints
And finally gather the data from the supportSave -n command.
See Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide or Fabric OS Command Reference for complete details on
these commands.