
Provide computing hardware that supports the best
learning experience for students
Deploy HP xw9400 Workstations with Dual-Core
AMD® Opteron 2218 processors and HP LP3065
30-inch diagonal widescreen LCD monitors
IT improvements:
Workstation speed provides more time to test
creative options
Experience with HP hardware makes animation
graduates more marketable and supports an easier
transition into a professional environment
Reliable hardware requires less IT support
Business benefits:
Workstation quality attracts prospective students and
encourages collaboration
Student achievements include frequent Academy
Awards and SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater
competition recognition
HP Workstations contribute to excellent record of
placing animation students in premier professional
With its computer animation students regularly winning
student Academy Awards and placing work in the
prestigious SIGGRAPH Electronic Theater competition,
the four-year Ringling College of Art and Design is a
prime recruiting ground for the country’s top feature
film animation and gaming companies.
Excellence in arts education is nothing new at
Ringling, founded in 1931. Nor is the school’s
reputation for excellence limited to computer
animation. Ringling offers 14 art area majors—such as
Illustration, Graphic & Interactive Communication and
Advertising Design—serving more than 1,200 students
from 43 states and 31 countries.
To attract students and maintain the quality of
instruction, particularly in computer animation, Ringling
needs computing hardware commensurate with its
students’ raw abilities and ambition. That’s why
“The HP xw9400 Workstation provides students with faster feedback on
their work. Because that feedback is faster, students have the opportunity to
take more creative chances and try different avenues.
—Jim McCampbell, Department Head, Computer Animation, Ringling
College of Art and Design, Sarasota, Fla.
HP customer case
study: HP
Workstations provide
teaching tool at
Ringling College of
Art and Design
Industry: Higher
HP recommends
Windows Vista
Tomorrow’s animators train on HP Workstations at Ringling
College of Art and Design

Summary of content (4 pages)