Owner's manual

7 Backup scen arios using the HP
D2D Backu p System
The H P D2D Backup System combines all the traditional benets of tape technology, such as support for
Backup applications allow users to congure rotation schemes that use tapes for specicdays,weeks
and months of a year, often applying different retention policies to each backup job. Such rotation
schemes require an autoloader as the backup device.
Using a tape autoloader congured on your HP D2D Backup System enables you to use the sam e tape
rotation schemes that you would use with physical tape. To your backup application the tape autoloader
backup jobs from your backup application in exactly the same way as you would for tape. But you benet
from much faster performance because you a re writing to or reading from disk.
Read this chapter for example backup scenarios. It will also give you a clearer understanding of how you
can calculate the number of slots required and ensure that disk space is used effectively.
Example 1: Simple ba ckup on page 55
Example 2: Ofce backup”onpage56
Example 3 : High-performance workstation on page 60
Incorporating archive to tape into a rotation strategy on page 61
Simple backup
On Friday: carry out a full ba ckup to one cartridge to capture the week’s work and keep that
cartridge for four weeks before overwriting. Assum i ng a sepa rate car tridge for each week’s full
backup, four autoloader slots are required.
For the other weekdays, Monday to Thursday: carry out incremental backups to capture that day’s
s (one cartridge for each day) and keep each car tridge for a week before overwriting.
ng a separate cartridge for each day’s incremental backup, another four autoloader
slots a re required.
On Friday overnight: run a copy job to copy Friday’s full backup to physical tape for offsite
D2D Backup System