Owner's manual

Disconnecting hosts
All hosts on whi
ch the Installation wizard has been run are autom a tically reconnected to their device(s)
when the HP D2 D Backup System is restarted. If you want to disconnect a host permanently, you must:
Use the iSCSI Initiator to deselect Persistent Target, log off the target and remove the IP address,
see Advanced installation on page 45. If you do not do this, the host will continuously try to
reconnect, wh
ich may slow down the system.
Use the Web M a n agem ent Interface to edit the target information for the device that was
connected to the host. You may want to ma ke it accessible to a different host or delete it. See
To edit device details on page 66.
Device troubleshooting
Host cannot connect to the device from Web Management Interface
Backup application cannot see device
Backup jobs are slow or time-out
Cannot create a device
Cannot see newly created device
Cannot delete a device
Backup is slow
Host cannot connect to the device from Web Management Interface
Check that you have entered the correct IP address for the HP D2D Backup System in the host’s
Make sur
e that the host and the HP D2D Backup System are still connected to a working network.
On the HP D2D Backup System, check the LEDs. The Network L ED on the front of the HP D2D
Backup System will be off, if there is no network connection or the network has not b een
ed. The LEDs on the network connector on the back of the HP D2 D Backup System will
also be
off if there is no network connection.
From the host, see if you can connect to another internet address.
Make sure that the host is on the same subnet as the HP D2D Backup System.
Try con
necting from another host on the same network.
Try to PING the IP add ress of the HP D2D Backup System. If PING is successful, there is net work
communication between the host and the HP D2 D. If PING is unsuccessful, troubleshoot the
rk and network settings.
If you
still cannot see the HP D2D Backup System, use the standalone Discovery tool. Discovery is run
as part of the Installation wizard; it is also installed as a standalone utilit y on your desktop. Run the
Discovery tool and check that the HP D2D Backup System appears in the list of d evices for selection.
Use th
e Beacon option to identify a particular HP D2D Backup System on the network.
If Discovery cannot nd the device, check whether there is a Firewall. You may need to temporarily
disableit. Itcanbere-enabledassoonasthedeviceiscongured. Or, the H P D2D Backup System
may be on a different subnet. If possible, connect the HP D2D Backup System d irectly to the host. If this
s, contact HP Support w
Backup application fails to see device
Make sure you have the latest version or software patches for the backup application. (See
ww.hp.com/go/connect) Stop and restart the backup application services after the backup device
has been discovered.
If you still cannot see the device, check Device Manager to m ake sure it is accessible from the host.
D2D Backup System