DisplayMaker Legacy 72S and 72SR - User Manual

Menu 2-9
Menu The menu has these main sections:
Calibrate Printer (see below)
Printer Settings (page 2-10)
Maintenance (page 2-14)
Service Printer (page 2-16)
User Diagnostics (page 2-16)
Warnings & Actions (page 2-16), shown in Expert Messages
Mode only
This section explains each of the functions on the printer menu.
See Menu Tree on page 2-17 for a listing of all menu options.
Calibrate Printer For details on these options, see Chapter 4, Calibrating the
Auto Calibrations — see “Auto Calibrations” on page 4-7 for
Auto Bidi Calibration — ensures that every working jet
fires a pixel at precisely the same location, in both direc-
tions of travel
Auto H2H Calibration — aligns the printheads relative to
each other
AutoJet Calibration — locates and substitutes missing jets
for working jets
Full AutoSet — runs AutoJet and AutoBiDi in sequence