DisplayMaker Legacy X-12+ - User Manual

Menu 2-11
Configure Printer Configure Printer enables you to set many options that control
how the printer operates.
Printer Settings
Gutter Settings — determines the appearance of the top and
side gutters.
Top Gutters — allows you to turn On or Of f the gutter
pattern at the top edge of the print, which shows data
about the print such as date and time printed and print
mode, plus write-in blanks for other data.
Side Gutters — sets the side gutter pattern to Narrow,
Medium, or Wide sizes, or turns them Off. Side gutter
patterns help keep the ink jets open by firing ink
through them in a pattern outside the printed image
Takeup Direction — sets the direction of the takeup motor to
wind the media Printed Side In (default), or Printed Side
Job name
Ink type
Media name from the print server/RIP
Date and time printed
Color set reported in the print job
Print mode selected at control panel:
Embedded software version
Fig. 2-5. Top gutter data
Heads per color, number of passes,
direction of printing, HQ mode,
ink color set