DisplayMaker Legacy X-12+ - User Manual

B-12 Drying
The following table shows the maximum relative humidity that
will still allow printed output to dry sufficiently to be spooled
onto the takeup without damage, for selected media types and
print passes.
* Test conditions:
Ink set used: 2x6 C2M2YK
Media width: 34 inches
Test image file: Heavy coverage, full-width continuous-tone color
image with large areas of Rich Black
To increase drying effectiveness, reduce the rela-
tive humidity, increase the number of print passes,
or select a faster-drying media.
Other factors that influence drying performance include:
Print width — wider images take longer to print and spend
more time under the dryer. Narrower images take less time
to print and spend less time under the dryer. When an image
does not occupy the entire width of the media, you can slow
throughput for more drying by enabling Print White Space
(see menu at Configure Printer - Printer Options - Print
White Space). With the ColorSpan print servers, you can
print copies of narrower jobs across the media (N-UP) or
group jobs with MediaSaver. This also reduces media waste.
Table B-2. Test Results: Maximum Relative Humidity
That Allows Output to Dry Prior to Takeup*
Relative Humidity
Endura•Chrome Plus White Film 8 35%
12 45 %
Endura•Chrome Plus Backlit Film 4 25%
Satin Photobase PXS 4 50%
Glossy Photobase PXG 4 45%
FineArt UltraWhite Satin Canvas 4 50%
UltraDry Satin Micropore Paper 2 50%