DisplayMaker Legacy X-12+ - User Manual

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Printer Options
Dryer — turns the dryer fans On or Off. Disable the dryer
fan to avoid streaking output on poly media and films.
Print White Space — when Print White Space is selected,
the printhead carriage always travels the width of the media,
even when there is a white (blank) space in the image.
When Do Not Print White Space is selected, the printhead
remains in its home position and the media advances past
white spaces in the image. This increases throughput on
print jobs that have large areas of white space.
Quality Check — determines how AutoTune errors are han-
dled (see “AutoTune” on page 4-20 for information about
AutoTune). When enabled, the printer determines the num-
ber of misfiring or not firing ink jets that are not being
replaced by other jets. If this number exceeds a maximum
value, an error occurs. This can give the operator a chance to
print anyway, or cancel printing so the problem can be
Attended Mode — user must press B (Proceed) to
acknowledge the error and print the job (if one is pend-
ing), or y (Cancel) to cancel printing.
Unattended Mode — no user acknowledgment of errors
is required. When a quality check fails, print jobs are sent
to the ColorSpan print server’s Attention queue with a
disposition of “Uncalibrated Printer” (this feature may
not be supported on non-ColorSpan print servers).
OFF — no quality check is performed, all jobs will print.
Print Position — positions the print in the horizontal (x-axis)
direction, either in the center or flush right.
Create Custom ColorMaps — enables you to define custom
ink sets (color maps), using any combination of ink colors, in
any order. See “Creating a Custom Color Map” on page 3-11
for instructions.