DisplayMaker X-12+ - Print Server and Driver Setup Guide

Media Type — always “Printer’s Default;” specify the
media and ink type from the ColorSpan print server’s
Port Configuration dialog box.
Ink Type — always “Printer’s Default;” specify the media
and ink type from the ColorSpan print server’s Port Con-
figuration dialog box.
Output Quality Select Image Quality options for the doc-
ument, depending on your needs. ColorSpan’s SmoothTone
feature overrides your application’s halftone screens and
corrects for tone transitions using an error diffusion tech-
nique that creates smooth, blended colors between adja-
cent tones. SmoothTone makes continuous-tone images
such as photographs look more realistic.
SmoothTone Full Page — highest quality, applies
SmoothTone error diffusion to all elements on the page.
Yields the best color matching.
Mural Better — image quality is very close to SmoothTone
Full Page, but RIP times are much faster. Switch to
SmoothTone Full Page if text or line art quality is too
“jaggy” at the intended viewing distance.
Mural Bigger Mural Bigger prints faster, which produces
lower quality at close viewing range. The RIP time is less
for this mode than for any other mode.
Traditional Halftone — use when a traditional halftone
dot screen is required; allows the screen frequency and
angle to be specified.
CMYK Color Space specifies the color correction to be
used for print jobs created in CMYK color space.
TRUMATCH – accurately matches TRUMATCH spot colors
and reproduces full-color images.
SWOP (Coated) – emulates the Standard for Web Offset
Production color space used for color offset printing onto
coated paper stock. Best for proofing applications.
Eurostandard (Coated) – emulates the Eurostandard
color space used for color offset printing onto coated
paper stock. Best for proofing applications.