DisplayMaker Legacy 72S, 72SI and 98SI - Release Notes

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DisplayMaker Gator Release Notes
Version 3.11
Release Notes
Version 3.x applies to the DisplayMaker 72SI/98SI printers.
New Features Fine Text Mode — prints at half the normal head speed to improve the output quality
of fine text and line art. Fine Text mode is available for jobs sent from the RIP, but not
for printer calibration patterns. Fine Text mode is available in In Production or High
Quality modes.
Heater Temps status — you can now check the status of the heaters while they are
warming up, by pressing a key on the control panel. This key appears when a print job
is being received, while the printers are warming up.
Localization — this new menu option allows you to select units of measure (metric or
English), time format (12-hour or 24-hour), and date format (YYYY-MM-DD, MM-DD-
YYYY, and DD-MM-YYYY). (Printer Settings > Localization)
Printer Name — displays a keypad to change the printer name displayed on the control
panel and RIP or ColorSpan Print Server. Alternatively, the printer name can be
changed from the ColorSpan Print Server.
Improved Features Sorting the Media Wizard list — you can now sort the list of media names in the
Media Wizard Alphabetically (by name), Most Used, Recently Used, Sheet-fed First,
Roll-fed First, or None (preserves the current order).
Calibration report headings clarified - the calibration report now says “All Jets
Replaced in [Billboard/Production/High] Quality Mode” with Yes/No for each print-
head, rather than “Head Useable in [Billboard/Production/High] Quality Mode.” Even if
all jets have not been replaced, the head may still be useable, depending on the quality
requirements of a particular print job.
Vacuum displayed on Ready screen — the Ready screen now includes the amount of
vacuum being generated by the of the vacuum/pressure assembly.
Media Feed Number (MFN) now saved correctly — a problem that resulted in the
Media Feed Number from a Media Feed calibration not being saved correctly has been
AutoSet now correctly reports an incomplete calibration — if a printhead was not cal-
ibrated during an AutoSet calibration, the printed report says that the calibration was
not completed
Media Skew measurement now more precise — the printer now detects media skew
under 0.1 inch. If skew is more than .05 inch, an error message is displayed. Skew
under 0.05 inch is not reported.
Improved metric unit support — metric units are now used where English units were
incorrectly displayed (when metric units were selected).
Printer is now restored online after Reload and Print (Front Page menu)
Reset to defaults no longer incorrectly deletes Media Wizard settings
Drying delay for the media skew pattern now saved correctly — previously the dry-
ing delay you set for the media skew pattern was not being saved.
The printer now measures the media after the vacuums fan are at speed