DisplayMaker Legacy 72S, 72SI and 98SI - Release Notes

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DisplayMaker Gator Release Notes
Supply tension removed in upgrade process — when upgrading the printer to a
DisplayMaker 72SRU, the supply tension is set to idle.
Media Feed Number (MFN) now saved correctly — a problem that resulted in the
Media Feed Number from a Media Feed calibration not being saved correctly has been
AutoSet now correctly reports an incomplete calibration — if a printhead was not cal-
ibrated during an AutoSet calibration, the printed report says that the calibration was
not completed.
Improved metric unit support — metric units are now used where English units were
incorrectly displayed (when metric units were selected).
Printer is now restored online after Reload and Print (Front Page menu)
Reset to defaults no longer incorrectly deletes Media Wizard settings
Drying delay for the media skew pattern now saved correctly — previously the dry-
ing delay you set for the media skew pattern was not being saved.
The printer now measures the media after the vacuums fan are at speed
Version 2.31
Release Notes
New Features The improvements incorporated into this release are not visible to the user and do not
visibly affect the operation of the printer.
Version 2.29
Release Notes
New Features Support for the SR Upgrade (SRU) this software supports the new SRU upgrade
Additional flexibility for entering Media Feed Numbers (MFNs) — Media Feed Num-
bers may be entered for standard media types, in addition to user-defined media types.
During the media load process, the control panel prompts the user to load the MFN
currently stored in the Media Wizard, keep the current MFN, or perform a media feed
calibration (which generates a new MFN).
Current resolution displayed during printing — for DisplayMaker 72SRU and 98SX, the
resolution of the job being printed (600x600 or 600x300) is displayed on the Ready
screen during printing.