DisplayMaker Legacy 72UVX and 98UVX - User Manual

Table Of Contents
3-8 Selecting a Print Mode
When you select a unidirectional mode, select one of the
following settings:
For standard media listed in the Media Wizard, leave the
lamp settings at their default values, at least at first.
Faster print modes require higher lamp settings to
ensure sufficient curing.
If the ink is not curing, increase the setting. The lamps
will gradually lose curing effectiveness, so increasing the
setting may eventually become necessary. (For infoma-
tion about UV lamp life, see “Replacing UV Lamp Bulbs”
on page 5-20.)
If the media is wrinkling or warping from the heat of the
lamps, lower the setting.
Use caution when turning off one of the lamps in the
unidirectional modes. If the difference in total operating
time between the lamps becomes significant, visible
print anomolies may result. To prevent this or rebalance
the hours, alternate printing directions between Unidi-
rectional Left and Unidirectional Right.
Do not select the Off setting unless necessary for trou-
bleshooting or maintenance. The ink will not cure if at
least one of the lamps is not on during printing.
Setting Leading Lamp Trailing Lamp
High High High
Medium High Low
Low Low Low
Leading High High Off
Leading Low Low Off
Trailing High Off High
Trailing Low Off Low
Off Off Off