DisplayMaker Legacy X-12+ - User Manual

Ink System Overview 3-5
The ink system also includes a labeling system to help keep the
components of each ink color together:
Color Map Cards — lists all of the supported ink sets, fits in
plastic sleeve inside the printer’s top cover for easy reference
during installation and printing.
If you cannot locate the color map card for a particu-
lar ink set, use the color map display on the control
panel. To access, press the Print Mode key on the
Front Page (for details, see “Selecting a Print Mode”
on page 3-7).
Ink Type Label — used to identify the ink type used in each
ink tube.
Ink Tube Number Label — used to label each end of each ink
tube (ink reservoir end and printhead end) from 1 to 12; cor-
responds to the factory-labeled ink tray positions 1 to 12.
Fig. 3-2. Color Map card
Fig. 3-3. Ink type and ink number labels