DisplayMaker Legacy X-12+ - User Manual

1-2 Operating Requirements
Choose a location for the printer before you unpack it. Keep the
following requirements in mind:
Electrical See “Specifications” on page A-2 for detailed power require-
Use the supplied power cord. Plug it directly into a grounded
electrical outlet. Do not lengthen the power cord with an
extension cord; the resulting voltage drop could damage the
Make sure the line voltage does not vary more than 10
percent from the voltage marked on the back of the printer.
Install a voltage regulator or similar device if the power
source is not stable.
Unplug the printer during power failures. Wait for the power
to return before plugging it back in.
Connect the print server to a separate electrical circuit from
the printer.
Environmental Make sure the room is well ventilated, with a temperature
and relative humidity within specifications (see “Specifica-
tions” on page A-2). Optimal printing and drying occurs
within these ranges. Printing slows automatically to aid dry-
ing in high humidity conditions.
Store media and ink in an area with similar temperature and
humidity conditions as the printer.
Locate the printer close enough to the print server (RIP) so
that they can be connected with the required cable.
Locate the printer on a flat, level surface.
Locate the printer where its normal operating noise will not
disturb quiet work areas.