Brocade Fabric OS Message Reference Supporting Fabric OS v6.0.0 (53-1000600-01, October 2007)

524 Fabric OS Message Reference
Run the firmwareDownloadStatus command for more information.
In a director-class switch, when firmwareDownload fails, the command will synchronize the
firmware on the two partitions of each CP by starting a firmware commit operation. Wait until this
operation completes (about 10 minutes) before attempting another firmwareDownload.
In a director-class switch, when firmwareDownload fails, the two CPs may end up with different
versions of firmware and they may not gain high-availability (HA) sync. In that case, run
firmwareDownload single mode (-s) to upgrade the firmware on the standby CP to the same version
as the active CP. Then retry firmwareDownload to download the desired version of firmware onto
the CPs.
Refer to the Fabric OS Administrator’s Guide for troubleshooting information.
Severity INFO
Message AUDIT, <timestamp>, [SULB-1010], INFO, FIRMWARE, <event-initiator-details>,
<event-location>, , Firmwarecommit failed (status=0x
<error code>).
Probable Cause Indicates that the firmwareCommit failed. The error code provides debugging information. See
Table 11 for more information.
If the failure is caused by an inconsistent filesystem, contact your switch service provider.
Severity INFO
Message AUDIT, <timestamp>, [SULB-1017], ERROR, FIRMWARE, <event-initiator-details>,
<event-location>, , Firmwaredownload failed in slot
<Slot number>.
Probable Cause Indicates that firmwareDownload failed in the specified blade. The error may be caused by an
inconsistent AP blade firmware stored on the active CP. It may also caused by an internal Ethernet
issue or by a persistent storage hardware failure.
Run the slotShow command. If the blade is in FAULTY state, run the slotPowerOff and slotPowerOn
commands to trigger another firmwareDownload to the blade. If the blade is stuck in LOADING
state, remove and re-insert the blade to trigger another firmwareDownload. If the problem persists,
contact your switch service provider.
Severity ERROR
Message AUDIT, <timestamp>, [SULB-1018], ERROR, FIRMWARE, <event-initiator-details>,
<event-location>, , Firmwaredownload timed out in slot
<Slot number>.