User Manual

Fabric OS 5.0.0 procedures user guide 23
To set the date and time:
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Enter the date command at the command line using the following syntax:
The values represent the following:
MM is the month; valid values are 01 through 12.
DD is the date; valid values are 01 through 31.
hh is the hour; valid values are 00 through 23.
mm is minutes; valid values are 00 through 59.
YY is the year; valid values are 00 through 99 (values greater than 69 are interpreted as
1970 through 1999, and values less than 70 are interpreted as 2000 through 2069).
NOTE: The date function does not support daylight savings time or time zones, so such changes must be
reset manually.
You can synchronize the local time of the principal or primary Fabric Configuration Server (FCS) switch
to an external NTP server.
To synchronize local time with an external source:
1. Connect to the switch and log in as admin.
2. Issue the following command:
tsclockserver ipaddr
where ipaddr is the IP address of the NTP server, which the switch must be able to access. This
operand is optional; by default this value is LOCL, which uses the local clock of the principal or
primary switch as the clock server.
HP recommends that you synchronize time with an external NTP server, as described on page 23. If you
cannot do so, use the next procedure.
switch:admin> date
Fri May 5 21:50:00 UTC 1989
switch:admin> date “0624165203”
Tue Jun 24 16:52:30 UTC 2003
switch:admin> tsclockserver
switch:admin> tsclockserver “”
switch:admin> tsclockserver