User Manual

148 Administering advanced performance monitoring
Setting a mask for end-to-end monitors
End-to-end monitors count the number of words in Fibre Channel frames that match a specific SID/DID
pair. If you want to match only part of the SID or DID, you can set a mask on the port to compare only
certain parts of the SID or DID. By default, the frame must match the entire SID and DID to trigger the
monitor. By setting a mask, you can choose to have the frame match only one or two of the three fields
(Domain ID, Area ID, and AL_PA) to trigger the monitor.
NOTE: Only one mask per port can be set. When you set a mask, all existing end-to-end monitors
are deleted.
You can specify a mask using the perfsetporteemask command in the form dd:aa:pp, where dd is
the Domain ID mask, aa is the Area ID mask, and pp is the AL_PA mask. The values for dd, aa, and pp
are either ff (the field must match) or 00 (the field is ignored). The default EE mask value is ff:ff:ff.
The command sets the mask for all end-to-end monitors of a port. If any end-to-end monitors are
programmed on a port when the perfsetporteemask command is issued, a message appears similar
to that in the following example:
The perfsetporteemask command sets a mask for the Domain ID, Area ID, and AL_PA of the SIDs and
DIDs for frames transmitted from and received by the port.
Figure 7 shows the mask positions in the command. A mask (ff) is set on slot 1, port 2 to compare the
AL_PA fields on the SID and DID in all frames (transmitted and received) on port 2. The frame SID and DID
must match only the AL_PA portion of the specified SID-DID pair. Each port can have only one EE mask.
The mask is applied to all end-to-end monitors on the port. Individual masks for each monitor on the port
cannot be specified.
Figure 7 Mask positions for end-to-end monitors
To display the current end-to-end mask of a port, use the perfshowporteemask command. The
end-to-end mask has 12 fields, each with a value of on or off.
switch:admin> perfsetporteemask 1/2, “00:00:ff”
EE monitors are currently programmed on this port. Changing EE mask
for this port will cause ALL EE monitors on this port to be deleted.
Do you want to continue? (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
EE mask on port <port-number> is set and EE monitors were deleted
perfsetporteemask 1/2, “00:00:ff” “00:00:ff” “00:00:ff” “00:00:ff”
SID mask DID mask
Transmitted from port
Received by port
AL_PA mask
Area ID mask
Domain ID mask
SID mask DID mask