User Manual

10 About this guide
Document conventions and symbols
WARNING! Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in bodily harm or death.
CAUTION: Indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to equipment or data.
IMPORTANT: Provides clarifying information or specific instructions.
NOTE: Provides additional information.
TIP: Provides helpful hints and shortcuts.
Table 1 Document conventions
Convention Element
Medium blue text: Figure 1 Cross-reference links and e-mail addresses
Medium blue, underlined text
Web site addresses
Bold font Key names
Text typed into a GUI element, such as
into a box
GUI elements that are clicked or
selected, such as menu and list items,
buttons, and check boxes
font Text emphasis
Monospace font File and directory names
System output
Text typed at the command-line
Monospace italic font Code variables
Command-line variables
Monospace, bold font Emphasis of file and directory names, system
output, code, and text typed at the