Quick Start Guide

By Law, your gas boiler should be inspected once a year to ensure it is operating safely. Your ST9400S Programmer
has a range of features designed to help make sure this service is carried out at the correct time.
These features will be programmed by your Installer, Maintenance Engineer or Landlord.
• A message can be displayed on the screen to remind you that a boiler service is due
• If the service is overdue, the Programmer may switch off the heating system, to ensure your safety.
Countdown to service:
Your Programmer can indicate a countdown for the number of days until
a service is due. This type of message will appear on the screen every
few seconds, to give you an opportunity to arrange a service visit.
What you should do:
Arrange for a service visit before the service is due.
When service is due:
When your gas boiler service is OVERDUE the words SERVICE DUE
will continue to flash on your screen.
What you should do:
Arrange an immediate service visit.
Boiler shut-down:
If your Programmer shows the words SERVICE DUEand OFFthen
your boiler service is OVERDUE and the boiler has been automatically
switched off to ensure your safety.
What you should do:
Arrange an immediate service visit.
If set to do so, it may be possible to obtain limited use of the boiler
by pressing any EXTRA HOUR button. Each button press will allow
operation of the boiler for 1 hour at a time, and the screen will show
the message “On 1h
How to arrange a service visit:
Your Landlord, Installer, or Maintenance Engineer should contact you
before the boiler service is due to allow you to arrange the service
visit. Their communication will include contact details.
Contact details may also be found in the ST9400S User Guide, or may
be on an information sticker placed on or near the boiler.
A contact telephone number may also have been programmed into
the Programmer. If so, a message will appear on the screen indicating
the number you should call.