User Manual

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PM45 and PM45c User Guide 35
Configure Wi-Fi Communications from the Main Menu
You can configure wireless communications using the Wireless 802.11 wizard or
from the Main Menu.
1. Press the Main Menu button.
2. Select Settings > Communications > Wireless 802.11.
3. Change settings as needed for your wireless connection.
4. Tap Save when you are finished.
Alternatively, you can also access the Wi-Fi wizard from the Ready Screen to select
or make changes to your Wi-Fi settings.
Install Authentication Certificates
If you are using Wireless 802.11 security, you may need to install authentication
certificates in the printer for the highest level of security.
1. Configure the printer for the correct date and time.
2. On your PC, open an FTP/SFTP connection to the IP address of the printer.
3. Transfer your certificate to /home/user/certificates/public.
4. On your PC, open a Telnet session to the printer.
5. Change the directory to: /home/user/certificates/public.
6. Type the command: ls -la.
7. You should see the certificate that you transferred in step 3.
8. Use the certinstall script to install the certificate using this format:
<prompt> <certificate name>
Example: itadmin@PM45-00000000073 /home/user/certificates/
public$ entrust.cer
9. When you receive confirmation that the certificate was installed, type this
command to make sure you see a.pem file and another soft link to the same
file: ls -la.
Note: Use the printer web page the Main Menu on a full touch printer, or Honeywell
PrintSet 5 to specify the certificate .pem file to use for security.