User Guide

Acronyms and Abbreviations Acronyms-1
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Acronyms and Abbreviations
ASCII American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
BL block length
CKD count key data
CR carriage return
CVS custom volume size
D delimiter
DAM direct-access method (not supported by FX)
DAT digital audio tape
DO dataset organization
DS dataset size
EBCDIC extended binary-coded decimal interchange code
Emp empty file option
EOF end of file
ESCON Enterprise System Connection (IBM trademark for optical channels)
F fixed-length and de-blocking (z/OS record format)
FAL File Access Library
FB fixed-length and blocking (z/OS record format)
FC fibre channel
FCU File Conversion Utility
FD floppy disk
FWD fast-wide differential
GUI graphical user interface
HMBR Hitachi Multiplatform Backup/Restore
FX Hitachi Cross-OS File Exchange
ICKDSF A Device Support Facilities (DSF) command used to perform media
kB kilobytes
LDEV logical device
LF line feed
LSM Logical Storage Manager
LU logical unit
LUN logical unit number
LVI Logical volume image