User Guide

Performing Cross-OS File Exchange Operations 5-25
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
Creating Multiple Volume Definition Files (Windows)
Multiple volume Dataset is supported for FXmto, when the version is 01-XX-
50/YY (XX=01 or 02) or later. Multiple volume Dataset is also supported for
FXotm when the version is 01-XX-60/YY (XX=02, 03 or 04) or later. The name
of the multiple volume definition file is “multidef.dat”. It must be placed
under the current directory where the FAL/FCU is to be executed. Specify the
other name in “FAL_MULTI_DEF_FILE” of the environment variable, if the
name of the multiple volume definition file want to be changed.
Note: Multiple volume Dataset is supported in the case of FileExchangeotm
when the version is 01-XX-60/YY(XX=02, 03 or 04) or higher.
Table 5-2 illustrates the VSN function.
Table 5-2 VSN Function
i) ii) iii) iv)
j. i) This parameter is the information of the head volume:
VSN: a volume serial number with six digit of alphabet (A-Z, @, #,
and \) or numeral (0-9) characters.
DSN: dataset name.(Use maximum 44-digit of alphabet or numeral
character )
VOLID1: a VSN identification ( Omit this parameter if a VSN
identification is omitted in the volume definition file, and specify same
as the volume definition file, if a VSN identification is specified in the
volume definition file.)
k. ii) This parameter is the information of the second volume:
VSN: a volume serial number with six digit of alphabet (A-Z, @, #,
and \) or numeral (0-9) characters.
VOLID2: a VSN identification ( Omit this parameter if a VSN
identification is omitted in the volume definition file, and specify same
as the volume definition file, if a VSN identification is specified in the
volume definition file.)
l. iii) This parameter is the information of the last volume.(The number of
volume is ‘n’):
VSN: a volume serial number with six digit of alphabet (A-Z, @, #,
and \) or numeral (0-9) characters.