User Guide

Performing Cross-OS File Exchange Operations 5-11
Hitachi USP V Cross-OS File Exchange User’s Guide
VOLID2: a VSN identification ( Omit this parameter if a VSN
identification is omitted in the volume definition file, and specify same
as the volume definition file, if a VSN identification is specified in the
volume definition file.)
g. iii) This parameter is the information of the last volume.(The number of
volume is ‘n’):
VSN: a volume serial number with six digit of alphabet (A-Z, @, #,
and \) or numeral (0-9) characters.
VOLIDn: a VSN identification ( Omit this parameter if a VSN
identification is omitted in the volume definition file, and specify same
as the volume definition file, if a VSN identification is specified in the
volume definition file.)
h. iv) Each line above must be separated by using “Return” key.
i. v) The “end” specifies that the volume definition file ends here.