Fault Codes DTC & Troubleshooting

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5.1.9 Error messages from the CPU LINK SYSTEM
Error message Required action
Please enter an integer between xxx and xxx. Enter hexadecimal numbers in the range shown in the error
message into the inter-CPU link and inter-sub-CPU link send
5.1.10 Error messages from the EXTERNAL SERIAL LINK SYSTEM
Error message Required action
No option module is mounted. Check if the RS-232C or RS-422 module is installed properly.
The address is out of bounds. The value that was entered as the starting address was out of the
permitted range. Enter a hexadecimal number in the range 0 to
7FFF as the starting address.
The system is not loaded. The Channel No. switch is set incorrectly. Correct the setting.
Please Reset or Power OFF/ON PCs. Although resetting was attempted, a check could not be made to
see if the PCs was reset properly. Try to remote-reset the PCs.
Alternatively, manually reset the PCs, or turn off the power to
the PCs and back on again.
Out of bounds The value that was entered was out of the permitted range.
Enter the desired value in one of the following ranges:
0 to 512 for text size;
0 to 32767 for transmission suspend monitoring time; or
0 to 32767 for reception monitoring time.
Enter between xxxbps to 19200bps Set the transmission speed to a value in the range xx to 19200, or
change the set value of transmission delay time.
Enter 19200bps Set the transmission speed to 19200, or change the set value of
transmission delay time.
Please enter an integer between xxx and 32767. Set the transmission delay time to a value in the range xx to
32767, or change the set value of transmission speed.
Input characters and input value are out of range.
Input once more.
Correct the input value.
Please enter an integer between 0 and 32. Set the start factor to a value in the range 0 to 32.
Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. Set the start task number to a value in the range 0 to 255.