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svtimex -- display task utilization information.
svtimex [-u site] [tn] [-t second]
The svtimex command displays the following task utilization information: 1) the number of times a
specified task was executed during a specified measuring time, 2) the accumulated execution time
during that time period, and 3) the point in time at which the svtimex command is executed.
The following are the options usable in this command.
-u site: Specifies the site name of the site to be acted on. This option is defaulted to the site name
specified in the RSSITE environment variable.
tn: Specifies a task number in the range 1 to 255, which must be expressed either in decimal or
hexadecimal (prefixed with “0x”) format.
tname: Specifies a task name.
If neither of the tn and tname options is given, this command enters conversational mode and
prompts you to enter a measuring time. Enter the desired measuring time value in the range
1 to 86400. Then, the command prompts you to enter task names or task numbers. You
can enter up to 10 task names or numbers. Then, when you execute the svtimex command,
just press the [Enter] key at the prompt.
-t second: Specifies a task utilization measuring time in seconds (in the range 1 to 86400). This
option is defaulted to 1 (second).
<Usage precautions>
If the -t option is entered to specify a measuring time, also enter the tn (task number) or tname (task
name) option.
The svtimex command is not accepted if another svtimex command is already executing.
The tn and tname options may not be used in combination (i.e., they are mutually exclusive). In
conversational mode, up to 10 task names or task numbers may be entered.
<Exit codes>
The svtimex command returns one of the following exit codes at the end of its execution:
0: Normal termination made.
1: Abnormal termination made.
2: Communication error detected.
3: Signal received.