
lhe tbllowing screen will appear when DVD-RAM disc Is used: Some disp]ay cam pon_ tits will not appear'
when UVD-R disc or car'd Is used,
Thumbnail _1
Op,_miion guide "l
"1 f#e displayed thumbnail will be the first image that you rec_rded.
_2 Scene _l_mber ¢efers _ display nurnbe¢ _n _tlmb_afl display screen.
_3 NO _ill ]co_ w_llapl_ea¢ for card.
_4 _e ope_tiot_ guide _1_ vary depending o_ _e opera_ot_ _tatus of DVD video came_afrecotde_
_5 Appears when _3scenes nlore hav_ b_en _c_rde_
_6 _R _al_pears for D VD.R disc. _ _ _v_ll at_pea_"for card.
The bad<ground color of screen allows you to identify'
whelhet disc or card is in DVD video _meta_record_
Purple: When disc is inserted
Green: When card is in_erbd
Pressing _e DISPLAY button will di_lay _e _cording
data/time of_he scene Onwhich the cursori_ placed in f_e
spece for operating guide¸ Pressing DISPLAY again wilt
display _he o_e_,_ing guid_.
if no disc ot card is ins_rbd, _e Disc nev_g_ion screen
canno_ be displayed even by pressing th_ DiSC
Each _ime Disc Navigation is started wi_h a DVD_R disc
inse_ed, messag_ "CreWing Thumbnail. _ will appear
After th÷ message appears, _he Disc Nav_ga_on screen
will appea_
if tae foilo_ving disc or card is i_serted, Ihe Disc
Naviga_tan screen will ap_ar or som_ message will be
- Wd_e-protactad disc
- Locked card
- Finalized DVD_R disc
De n_t leave Ihe disc navig_on screen displayed On TV
b3which _h÷ DVD video camera_recordet is Go,netted:
Doing so could damag_ the TV screen_ pessibty by