
Setting Up the Battery
The DZ-BP14S battery provided with this DVD video cameratmc_rder has not been ehaqled at purchase
time: Charge it berate using the DVD video eameratreeorder.
Be sure to uc,e _e DZ-BP 14SW ba_ePj for the DVD video camer_recorder: Using _x_herbakeries could Cause the DVD
video camera_ordet to mal_n_ien, Or _sult in _i_.
Be su _ _ use the DZ-ACS 1 AC _a_rl_arget to charg8 the barry: Using other chargers could _us8 ele_dc shock
or fire.
Charge the battery at _mpera_re_ of 50 - P_F (10-30_0).
Use the p_ovld_ d AC adapterichar'ger to charge
tile batter_
1Connect th_ power cabk to AC adapter/
2 PJug the power cable kite AC outlet,
rl'heCHARGE Indicator ot_AC adaptericharg_ _
win light.
3Attach the bait et_g to AC adapter/charger,
When charging a patl8_; unpiug the DC power cord from
th8 DC output jack on AC adapter!charger.
AC adap_edcharpar Power cable
Battery charged status
You cml fin d out the charged status ofba_t_ _y by checking the CHARGE lnd lcator on AC adapt_ r'icha_ger;
During charge LI!
Charge complete Goes out
See "TrouNeshooting ° on page 156 when the CHARGE
indica4or blink_.