
YOU qall dls_]_,yVarious Iri_brmation }k_r_ scen_ ;th_ re_ordl_lg ]t_ode, recordhlg da_l?!tIl_ and ]l?ngF]%
special effk_,ctsand mo_fe quality mode.
1Press th_ DISC NAVIG,,XI:[ON bulton,
2 S_le(,t the scene whose bfforrnatJon you wish to
3 Pre_s the MENU button.
If you have selea_d mulgple scenes, the
infbrmation shown below wI]l appear.
P_sslng the D button will resto_ the thumbnail
display screen.
_¢Vhenusing diSC)
4Choose °Scene', _Det_l]", and th_li press th_
I_tll button,
The detailed intbrmatlot_ on the scene will
(When using disc) (When using card)
_1 Nstdisp_ayedwithDVD.Rdisc.
*2 May not appearif_he teaped card does not
oomph/with DCE
_3 Number of pixels on still _ horizot#al directiot_:
Thi_ may not appearwith a JPEG file that does
not cordortn _o this DVD video cameta/recorder
_1 With D_,d_.R disc, the quality mode {FINE_ STD or
L_M) selected fipst will appear
_2 Nt_mper of scene_ whose quality mode is unknown:
This will appear when fhe disc has a scene recorded
on a device o#_er titan ##s DVD video _t_et_[
recorde£ only ff the disc has a scene whose mode is
ALSO,this will r_stappearwhen e D VD R disc is used.
"3 This will not appeal" w_h DVD.R disc, since no still
ill,aBe can be recorded on it.
(Whefi using card)
Tilting the joystick to right will display information On the
follOWing scene; tilting the joystick to left will display
informalJon on th_ preoeding scen_.
5 Pre,_sthe [3 button to quit,
If multiple scen_ have beo_ sele¢_ed, th÷ total recording
lime of the selected scenes (_tal number in case of _lls)
will appear¸
if a DVD-R disc recorded o_ a device o_er than this DVD
video camera/recorder is inserted (aLready finalized), no
scene infi3rmaiJon will appeal