
Ti me r s Select Timers to set your Clock, Sleep Timer, Event Timer and Day/Night Timer Recordings.
|Video m
|_odio |
JChan. Manager-
|Locks 11
II m
I1_etup 11
Wset The Clock
|Fset Sleep T{r_er ]_
_Set Day/NEght Tfnle_
reset Event Tinle_
I Set The Clock IThe Clock must be adjusted before you can use the "Set Event Timer" or Day/Night Timer" feature.
_Time rs
reset Sleep Timer m
_et Day/Night Timer I
reset Event T_r_er m
Time Zone:
[]Daylight Saving Corrections
Time: 2:$3 PM ]un 28 2004
Move {SEC Return
Use the CURSOR buttons A, •, _, I_ to highlight the chosen Time Zone settings.
Press the SELECT button to select.
If you observe daylight savings, use CURSOR PAD to highlight "Daylight Saving Correction" and press the SELECT button to select.
Use the CURSOR buttons A, •, _, I_ to highlight the current time (hour and minute), AM or PM, Month, Day, and Year.
Use the CURSOR buttons A, to adjust settings.
Press the SELECT button to set the Time and Date.
Press EXIT to quit the menu.
I NOTES: When "Daylight Saving Correction" is checked "v", the TV will automatically calculate the clock adjustment for
Daylight Saving.