DNV-GL Approval TAS00001SV-3 for X-BT-GR, X-BT-MR and X-BT-ER threaded fasteners

Job Id: 262.1-029495-3
Certificate No: TAS00001SV
Revision No: 3
Form code: TA 251 Revision: 2016-12 www.dnvgl.com Page 9 of 9
- Part Lists and Drawings:
X-BT-GR M8/7
X-BT-MR M6/W6/14
X-BT-MR M8/14
- ISO 9001 and 14001 Certificates,
Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems SQS, dated 2019-07-01.
- Type Approval Assessment Report
DNV GL, dated 2018-12-05
Documentation of tests performed and references provided and mentioned under
TYPE APPROVAL DOCUMENTATION, are the basis for this type approval.
For traceability to this type approval the products are to be marked with:
Manufacturers name or trade mark
Type designation
A condition for retention of the type approval certificate in its validity period is that periodical
assessments are successfully carried out.
The objective of the periodical assessment is to verify that the conditions for the type approval
have not been altered.
The Society shall be informed of any modifications to the product which are liable to affect its
characteristics and functions, as originally specified and tested.
The Society shall be informed of any shifting of the production site and any additional production site.
If such notifications are not made, the validity of the type approval certificate terminates.
Regulations for the periodical assessment of the type approval certificate are to be find in the
DNVGL Class Programme CP-0338.