
Drawing No. Deck 2- P 1139-17-530-4, Test Report, ZAG, 21/11/2017, Revision: -, Pages: 80
Drawing No. Deck 3- 19041A, Test Report, WarringtonFireGent, 28/06/2018, Revision: -, Pages: 56
Drawing No. WTGT CFS-T-291018-01, Test Report, Water-/ Gas tightness, Hilti, 29/10/2018, Revision:
-, Pages: 4
Drawing No. WT-Test_CFS-T 8x1_070219, Test Report, Water-/ Gas tightness, Hilti, 07/02/2019,
Revision: -, Pages: 4
Term of Validity
This Product Design Assessment (PDA) Certificate 19-HG1826648-PDA, dated 18/Feb/2019 remains
valid until 17/Feb/2024 or until the Rules or specifications used in the assessment are revised
(whichever occurs first).
This PDA is intended for a product to be installed on an ABS classed vessel, MODU or facility which is in
existence or under contract for construction on the date of the ABS Rules or specifications used to
evaluate the Product.
Use of the Product on an ABS classed vessel, MODU or facility which is contracted after the validity date
of the ABS Rules and specifications used to evaluate the Product, will require re-evaluation of the PDA.
Use of the Product for non ABS classed vessels, MODUs or facilities is to be to an agreement between
the manufacturer and intended client.
ABS Rules
2019 Marine Vessel Rules, 1-1-4/7.7, 1-1-A3, 1-1-A4, 4-8-4/21.13
International Standards
IMO Resolution MSC.307(88) (FTP Code, Edition 2012), Annex 1 Part 3.
EU-MED Standards
National Standards
Government Standards
Other Standards
Corporate ABS Programs
American Bureau of Shipping
Print Date and Time: 17-Oct-2019 7:45
Certificate Number: 19-HG1826648-PDA
10/17/2019 7:45:54 AM Copyright 2019 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved. Page 3 of 4