Operating Instruction DC-D, DG-CW, DC-TP

6 7
Diamond Blades/Wheels
en frDisques et meules au diamant
Ce disque de tronçonnage/meulage (ci-après “accessoire”) est destiné à être utilisé
sur une tronçonneuse ou meuleuse portative (ci-après “outil”).
supérieure à la vitesse de rotation de l’outil. En cas
de doute, la vitesse périphérique d’un accessoire ne
doit pas dépasser 80 m/s.
entraîneurs, l’écrou et le carter de protection recom-
mandés dans le manuel d’utilisation de l’outil. Placer
le carter de protection de manière à ménager une
L’opérateur et les personnes présentes doivent tou-
jours porter des équipements de protection (lunettes,
gants, casque anti-bruit et tenue de protection) ho-
Do’s and Don’ts for using diamond blades/wheels
DO always keep all parts of your body
away from accessory and all other mo-
ving parts.
for damage before installing accessory.
DO make sure the accessory is not
touching anything before starting the
DO keep all parts of your body away from
the accessory when the tool is running.
DO run tool free for 30 seconds before
applying to work, pointing it so that if
the accessory breaks it will not hit any
DO always allow the accessory to come
to a complete stop before setting a por-
table tool down.
DO make sure the size of the accesso-
ry’s arbor hole is the same as the tool’s
drive shaft.
DO NOT allow other persons to be near
the tool when it is running.
DO NOT operate tool in areas of com-
or explosion.
DO NOT touch or try to stop a moving
accessory with your hand.
DO NOT cut on the side of a diamond
grinding cup wheel.
DO NOT cock, jam, wedge, or twist the
accessory in a cut.
DO NOT touch an accessory immediately
after use. They require several minutes
to cool after each use.