Corrosion handbook

2 06/21
Corrosion is a ubiquitous natural process. Most of us, at some point in our
everyday lives, become familiar with the effect that corrosion has on rusted steel
parts. Corrosion has a huge economic impact. About a fifth of the world’s annual
steel production simply goes towards replacing parts damaged by corrosion.
Even though it may involve higher up-front cost, correct and efficient corrosion
protection at source helps save money and resources in the long run. For
fastening systems, it’s even more critical because safety is key. Failure due to
corrosion may have dramatic consequences.
The goal of this handbook is to raise your general awareness of what corrosion is
all about. It provides you with essential information on corrosion and the behavior
of the materials used to protect our products from it.
Hilti conducts comprehensive laboratory and field-based tests to assess the
corrosion resistance of its products. Some long-term tests started in the 1980s
and are still running today. Thanks to in-house research and close collaboration
with renowned universities and laboratories, Hilti is in a position to help offer the
right solutions with the most suitable corrosion protection for a wide variety of
environmental conditions.
Nevertheless, the choice of the material or the corrosion protection method for a
specific application remains the responsibility of the user. Your local Hilti contact
will be pleased to provide further assistance. He or she will also be able to obtain
support at any time from the specialists in our Corporate Research & Technology
department, allowing you to take advantage of the wealth of in-depth know-how
we have available.