User Manual

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Network Camera User Manual
3. Click Advanced to set the camera record parameters.
Record Parameters
Pre-record: The time you set to start recording before the scheduled time or
the event. For example, if an alarm triggers recording at 10:00, and the
pre-record time is set as 5 seconds, the camera starts to record at 9:59:55.
The Pre-record time can be configured as No Pre-record, 5s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s,
30s or not limited.
Post-record: The time you set to stop recording after the scheduled time or
the event. For example, if an alarm triggered recording ends at 11:00, and the
post-record time is set as 5 seconds, the camera records until 11:00:05.
The Post-record time can be configured as 5s, 10s, 30s, 1 min, 2 min, 5 min or
10 min.
Stream Type: Select the stream type for recording.
Note: The record parameter configurations vary depending on the camera model.
4. Select a Record Type. The record type can be Continuous, Motion Detection,
Alarm, Motion | Alarm, Motion & Alarm, and Event.
If you select Continuous, the video will be recorded automatically according
to the time of the schedule.
Record Triggered by Motion Detection
If you select Motion Detection, the video will be recorded when the motion
is detected.
Besides configuring the recording schedule, you have to set the motion
detection area and check the checkbox of Trigger Channel in the Linkage