User Manual

on the clutch towers s o the two raise d a reas on the cove r s eat properly. D a mage can result if this is not done
properly. Tighte n the six outside cover bolts ev enly so the cove r a lig ns an d seats prop erly into the c lutch towers to
prevent da m a ge. In s tall the center reta ining bolt and torqu e to 45-47 ft/ lbs. After riding y our machine , if you
would like HIGHER engagement than where this kit engages you can install the ORANGE
colored spr ing. T his
spring will RAISE your engagemen t 3-400
rpms. If your kit only has one primary s pring you can ord er this opti onal
spring through EPI. NOTE: Due to small variances in the clutches on some machines, some machines require final
adjus tm e nts for s m ooth shifter operation. E PI includes a wh ite pla stic spacer that may need to be ins tall ed between
the drive clutc h retaining bolt large washer and the face of the drive clutch see the photo below for place ment.
Some machines requ ire this spacer a nd others do n ot. If you experien c e difficult shif ting when you mov e the gear
select or , try installin g this s p a c e r . Eve n furth e r adj ustment m a y be needed on a f ew m a ch in es if this is the case,
try rem oving on e of the tw o m etal shim s be hind th e dr iven clutch.
7. Remove the secondary (clutch on driver ’s side) clutch by rem oving th e c enter clutc h bolt and pulling towards you.
The c lutch sh ould slide of f the sp lined sh a ft. If the clutch stick s on the shaft spray some penetratin g fluid on the
shaft to help free it. If it still doesn’t c ome off, you will need to or der a s e c ondary clutch puller (EPI part # SCP-1).
When the clutch does come off pay atten tion to the shims behind th e clutch on the shaft. These shims effect the
clutch align m ent, if they slide off the shaft b e s ure to pu t them bac k on.
8. MODELS BU I L T 10/ 01/08 AND AF T ER : Place the clutch face down so the spring and s pr in g r eta in er a r e facing
up. Using a compr ession tool (EP I part # CC T 510) carefully compress the spring enough to take the press ure off the
spring retain er . Remove t he snap r in g, spr ing retainer and spring. Plac e th e EP I GREEN
secondary spring and
spring r etainer in the clutch. Using th e compress ion tool, slowly a nd car efully compr e s s the spr ing until you c an
install the sn a p ring.
MODELS BUILT 09/30/08 AND BEFO RE: Place the c lutch fa c e down so the four tor x bolts / helix are facing up.
Remove the four tor x bolts . Pull up on the helix . Note t he position of the two rollers. U s ing a com pr e s s ion tool
(EPI part # CCT510) carefully compress the spring un til there is s light pr essur e on th e s pring reta iner allowing you
to remove snap r ing. S lowly loosen the to p nut on thr ea d ed r od allowing the s prin g to s lowly ex p a nd. Rem ov e the
spring retain er a nd spring. Insta ll the EP I GREEN
secondary spring in clutch. Place the spring retainer and snap
ring on top of sprin g . Using the c lutch compress ion t ool, slowly com press th e spring r e ta iner down far e nough to
install the sn a p ring. Install the s nap rin g a nd remove c lutch from tool. Ins ta ll the helix into clutch a nd push d own.
Make s ure that when you push the helix into the clutch you do n ot damage the two pla stic r ollers. Install the four
torx bol ts. If needed, you can r ota te the clutch eith er direc tion to align the torx bolts . Push the he lix down . Tighten
the four torx bolts to 42 to 5 2 inch p ounds. Do not under or over tighte n torx bolts.
9. Insta ll the belt in the secondary clutch so the num bers on the belt read from left to right. You need to get th e clutch
shea ves to open s o the belt c an drop down in to the clu tc h. This will give y ou enough slack in the belt to f eed it
around the primary clutch an d then s lide the secondary c lutch onto its shaft and reinstall th e b olt that holds it in
place. O ur trick for this is to loop th e b elt around th e c lutch, slide th e clutch onto its s haft on the ma c hine, th e n
while s te pping into the machine, gra b the belt an d pull straig ht up. This w ill p ull the belt down into the s hea ves fairly
easily. The n slide th e c lutch b a ck off the shaf t, loop the belt a r ound the primar y clutc h and th en reinstall the
secon da ry an d tighten the bolt th at holds it on the shaft. With the machine in neutral, spin the clutches by hand until
the sec ondary has sh ifted back to its closed posi tion a nd the belt is r id ing at the top of the she a ves. If you fa il to d o
this it w ill be like s tarting out in high gea r when you try to d r ive it f or the firs t time and you will possibly bu r n the
10. Insta ll the plastic clu tch cover, making s ure it seals pr operly . Tighte n the cla mps to seal the vent tube on top of
the clutch c over. Install the rear service panel. Install the s eat cross bar and install both seats.
11. Go out an d r ide your mac hine. If af ter riding the machine something doesn ’ t s eem r ight, double ch ec k that the
secondary clutch has been assembled correctly.
NOTICE: Even with this clutch kit, you should be a d vised that us ing sub s ta ntial throttle w hen th e tires are not able t o
spin c a n cause the belt to s lip a nd damage may oc cur
. EPI recommen d s that the transmiss ion be sh ifted into low
range w hen high load, s low er s peed s itu a tions are encoun tered. EPI is not responsible for any damage to the drive
belt or a ny oth er origina l equipm ent componen t.