User Manual
Table Of Contents
Chapter 7 Evaluation Software
Hi-G-Tek Ltd. Micro electronics & Asset Tracking Technology - 105 -
Fi eld Value in e xample Description
02 03 (hex)
Long Status 00 00 00 00
OrgID &
12 34 00 (hex) OrgID = 4660, Department = 0
Seal Stamp 70 1D (hex)
7.6.2 Tampered (Tam per)
The Tampered command is used to find all the DataSeals in the
DataReader’s Receiving Zone which indicate a Tampered st at us. T h e
command parameters and response structure are identical to the Ve ri f y
7.6.3 Addressed Verify
The Addressed Ve rify command is identical to the Verify command,
except that it is addressed to a specific DataSeal.
This command is an Addressed command, and therefore the Seal ID of the
addressed Dat aSeal has t o be ent ered in the Seal s /Tags ID field before
executing the command.
The arguments of the command are identical to the arguments of the Veri f y
command. Note however that there is no use in specifying Rr that is
different than Nr in Addresse d Verify, because there are no collisions. Nr
and Rr can be greater than 1 in order to increase the probability of
reception in case of RF interferences.