User Manual

Initial release
OpenSky is a registered trademark of Harris Corporation.
RBRC a nd 1 -800-8-BATTERY a re r egistered tr ademarks o f R echargeable B attery R ecycling
AMBE is a r egistered tr ademark a nd IMB E, A MBE+, a nd A MBE+2 a re t rademarks o f D igital
Voice Systems, Inc.
All o ther p roduct an d b rand n ames are tr ademarks, r egistered tr ademarks, o r s ervice marks o f
their respective holders.
The material co ntained h erein is s ubject to U. S. export a pproval. N o e xport or r e-export is
permitted without written approval from the U.S. Government. Rated: EAR99; in accordance with
U.S. Dept. of Commerce regulations 15CFR774, Export Administration Regulations.
Information an d descriptions co ntained h erein ar e t he p roperty o f H arris C orporation. Su ch
information and descriptions may not be copied or reproduced by any means, or disseminated or
distributed with out th e ex press p rior wr itten p ermission o f Harris C orporation, R F
Communications Division, 221 Jefferson Ridge Parkway, Lynchburg, VA 24501.
This pr oduct conforms t o t he E uropean U nion W EEE D irective 2002/ 96/EC. Do not
dispose of this product in a public landfill. This product should be taken to a recycling
center at the end of its life.
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility
designated b y the supplier. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Harris
Corporation could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The voice coding technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights
including patent rights, copyrights, and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. The user of
this tech nology is ex plicitly p rohibited f rom atte mpting to d ecompile, r everse en gineer, o r
disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into human-readable
This manual is published by Harris Corporation, without a ny warranty. I mprovements and changes to t his
manual necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs
and/or equipment, may be made by Harris Corporation, at any time and without notice. Such changes will be
incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by a ny means, e lectronic or m echanical, i ncluding ph otocopying a nd r ecording, f or a ny pur pose,
without the express written permission of Harris Corporation.
Copyright © 2011 Harris Corporation. All rights reserved.
This device is a RF transceiver intended for land mobile radio applications. The device may have
use r estrictions, w hich r equire t hat t he n ational au thority b e co ntacted f or an y s ystem licensing
requirements, frequency use, allowable power level, etc.