User guide

HSI #780-0923 FireSpy Tracker Operation Manual
Style Z- A Class A NAC configuration in which a circuit reports troubles from grounds, shorts, or opens,
and can operate the notification appliances with a single open and/or a single ground fault.
Style 4- A Class B signaling line circuit in which the circuit reports troubles on ground faults, shorts,
and/or opens, and can communicate an alarm with a single ground fault.
Style 6- A Class A signaling line circuit in which the circuit reports trouble on ground faults, shorts, and/or
opens, and can communicate an alarm with a single open or a single ground fault.
Style 7- A Class A signaling line circuit in which the circuit reports trouble on ground faults, shorts, and/or
opens, and can communicate an alarm with a single open, single ground, open and ground, or wire-to-
wire short. This is the same panel connection as Style 6, with specialized isolation modules included in
the loop.
Supervisory Alarm- A signal initiated by operation of a supervisory device.
Supervisory Device- A device monitoring the status of a fire sprinkler system, such as gate-valve
closure, unacceptable water level, low water pressure switch, low temperature, or unready fire pump.
Trouble Signal- A signal indicating a condition which may threaten normal system operation, such as a
circuit break, ground, power or equipment failure.
Walk Test- A test mode in which pre-selected initiating devices may be operated and indicate operation
without alarming the system.
Waterflow Switch- An assembly constructed and installed to detect water flow from one or more
sprinkler heads in a sprinkler system, thereby initiating an alarm signal.
Zone- An area grouping of inputs in the control panel for purposes of ordering the desired response.