Operation Manual

Memory Backup
This product is equipped with a memory backup
system that preserves tuner presets and system
configuration information if the unit is turned off
completely, accidentally unplugged or subjected to a
power outage. This memory will last for approximately
1 week, after which time all information must be
Tuner Operation
The AVR’s tuner is capable of tuning AM, FM and FM
Stereo broadcast stations and receiving RDS data.
Stations may be tuned manually, or they may be
stored as favorite station presets and recalled from a 30
position memory.
Station Selection
Press the
AM/FM Tuner Select button
on the
remote to select the tuner as an input. The tuner
may be selected from the front panel by either
pressing the Input Source Selector
the tuner is active or by pressing the Tuner Band
at any time.
Press the
2. AM/FM Tuner Select button
or Tuner Band Selector
again to switch
between AM and FM so that the desired frequency
band is selected.
Press the
3. Tuner Mode button
on the remote
or hold the Band Selector
on the front
panel pressed for 3 seconds to select manual or
automatic tuning.
When the button is pressed so that
in the Main Information Display
each press
of the Tuning Selectors
will put the tuner
in a scan mode that seeks the next higher or lower
frequency station with acceptable signal strength. An
indication will momentarily
appear when the station stops at a stereo FM station,
and an
indication will momentarily
appear when an AM or monaural FM station is tuned.
Press the Tuning buttons again to scan to the next
receivable station.
When the button is pressed so that
appears in the Main Information Display
each tap of the Selector will increase or decrease the
frequency by one increment. When the tuner receives
a strong enough signal for adequate reception,
will appear in the Main
Information Display
Stations may also be tuned directly by pressing 4.
the Direct button
, and then pressing the
Numeric Keys
that correspond to the
stations frequency. The desired station will
automatically be tuned after the latest number
is entered. If you press an incorrect button while
entering a direct frequency, press the Clear
to start over.
: When the FM reception of a stereo station is
weak, audio quality will be increased by switching
to Mono mode by pressing the Tuner Mode button
on the remote or holding the Band Selector
on the front panel so that
momentarily in the Main Information Display
and then goes out.
Preset Tuning
Using the remote, up to 30 stations may be stored in
the AVR’s memory for easy recall using the front panel
controls or the remote.
To enter a station into the memory, first tune the
station using the steps outlined above. Then:
Press the 1. Memory button
on the remote.
Note that two underscore lines will appear in the
Main Information Display
Within five seconds, press the
2. Numeric Keys
corresponding to the location where you wish
to store this station’s frequency. Once entered,
the preset number will appear in the Main
Information Display
Repeat the process after tuning any additional
stations to be preset.
Recalling Preset Stations
To manually select a station previously entered in
the preset memory, press the Numeric Keys
that correspond to the desired stations memory
To manually tune through the list of stored preset t
stations one by one, press the Preset Stations
Selector buttons
on the front panel or
RDS Operation
The AVR is equipped with RDS (Radio Data System),
which brings a wide range of information to FM radio.
RDS is a system for transmitting station call signs or
network information, a description of station program
type, text messages about the station or specifics of a
musical selection, and the correct time.
RDS Tuning
When an FM station is tuned in and it contains RDS
data, the AVR will automatically display the stations
call sign or other program service in the Main
Information Display
RDS Display Options
The RDS system is capable of transmitting a wide
variety of information in addition to the initial station
call sign that appears when a station is first tuned.
In normal RDS operation the display will indicate
the station name, broadcast network or call letters.
Pressing the RDS button
enables you to
cycle through the various data types in the following
The stations call letters (with some private stations t
other information too).
The stations frequency (
The Program Type (
A “text” message (Radiotext,
) containing
special information from the broadcast station.
Note that this message may scroll across the
display to permit messages longer than the eight
positions in the display. Depending on signal
quality, it may take up to 30 seconds for the text
message to appear; in that time, the word
will flash in the Information Display when RT is
The current time of day (
). Note that it may
take up to two minutes for the time to appear.
In that time the word
will flash in
the information display when CT is selected.
Please note that the accuracy of the time data is
dependent on the radio station, not the AVR.
Some RDS stations may not include some of these
additional features. If the data required for the
selected mode is not being transmitted, the Main
Information Display
will show a
e 
message after the
individual time out.
In any FM mode the RDS function requires a strong
enough signal for proper operation.