User's Manual

Editing Address Book entries
For information on general system
operation, please refer to the chapter
“Functional introduction” from page 17.
Selecting an Address Book entry
In all categories except Address List
To open the Navigation main menu:
Press the button.
In the Navigation main menu, select the
menu item Edit Addr. Book.
The Address Book editing menu
In the Address Book editing menu,
select one of the menu items
Work, Favorite Point 1, Favorite
Point 2
, Favorite Point 3 or Favorite
Point 4
The editing menu for the selected entry
appears and you can edit the entry, see
the section “Editing an entry” on
page 254.
In the category Address List
To open the Navigation main menu:
Press the button.
In the Navigation main menu, select the
menu item
Edit Addr. Book.
The Address Book editing menu
In the Address Book editing menu,
select the category
Address List.
The destination list appears.
To sort the list by date of storage or
alphabetical: Select the menu item
Sort by Date or Sort Alphabetically.
The list is resorted and the text of the
menu item and the icon to the left of the
menu item change accordingly, both
always show the current status.
Icon = List is sorted by date of
Icon = List is sorted alphabetical.
The menu item cannot be selected if the list
contains fewer than three entries.
Select an entry.
The editing menu for the selected entry
appears and you can edit the entry, see
the following description.
Editing an entry
Editing menu
Name data field
Icon data field
Position data field
Phone number data field