User's Manual

Initiating a call/accepting or rejecting a call
To store an entered number in the
phonebook: From the speller, push
the controller and select the menu
item SAVE.
The name input menu appears,
continue as described in the section
“Creating a new entry”,
see page 190.
To initiate a call to the phone number
entered: From the speller, push
controller and select the menu item
The mobile phone initiates the call; a
corresponding message is displayed.
Name of the call partner
The name of the call partner is only
displayed if the dialed number is stored in
the phonebook. Otherwise only the dialed
number is displayed.
To cancel the call before the
other party answers: Press the
The call is cancelled.
If the other party answers, the call is
active and you conduct the call over the
hands-free unit. Please see the section
“Functions during a call” on page 181
for a description of the functions that
are possible during a call.
Using redial
You can use redial as a quick way of
initiating another call to the last number
dialed by the mobile phone.
Press and hold the button on the
steering wheel.
If the connected mobile phone supports
this feature, the call to the
corresponding phone number will be
If the connected mobile phone does not
support this feature, nothing happens.
If the connected mobile phone
responds with an error, you will see the
Dial failed. Please check
the state of the connected phone
and try again.
To close the message: Press the
To cancel the call before the other
party answers: Press the controller
or press and hold the button on the
steering wheel.
In both cases, the call is cancelled.
If the other party answers, the call is active
and you conduct the call over the hands-
free unit.
Please see the section “Functions during a
call” on page 181 for a description of the
functions available during a call.
You can also use the call history list for the
redial function, see the section “Call history
list” on page 176.