User's Manual

128 CAR
The route is only recorded when the display of
Additional data” is activated in the “SET sport
display”. To find out more, please refer to the
section “Setting the display of additional data”
on page 132.
The first lap of the recording is used as a refer-
ence lap if none has already been loaded. This is
needed to display the circle diagram in the lap de-
tails as well as to display the remaining laps left in
the tank.
A maximum of 63 laps can be stored for each
Lap information
The route is displayed when the Sport display is
called up. You can then switch between the route
and the lap details by selecting the symbols
and or by turning the rotary knob
q. This
information consists of:
the time of the fastest lap,
the current lap time,
information on the remaining tank range (in re-
maining laps and as a distance) as well as
the remaining memory available.
The left half of the display shows a circle diagram.
It indicates the distance covered in relation to a
complete lap.
The circle diagram assumes different colours de-
pending on whether the current lap is faster, as
fast as or slower than the previous fastest lap:
green - current lap is faster,
yellow - current lap is as fast,
red - current lap is slower.
The number in the centre of the coloured circle in-
dicates the current lap.
If you have not loaded any reference laps, the
first lap recorded will be used as a reference
Neither the remaining number of laps nor the
fastest lap time is displayed while the first lap
is being recorded. The circle diagram is not
filled yet either.
Available memory is full
If the available memory is full, a message to this
effect appears in the display. The lap details will
continue to be displayed, however the lap during
which the message appears as well as any further
laps will no longer be recorded.
A maximum of 8 hours can be recorded.
Stopping recording
Selecting “Stop” in the on-board computer menu
stops the stopwatch and therefore the recording
in progress.
The recorded data is stored.
Continuing recording
As soon as the stopwatch is restarted in the on-
board computer menu with “
Res.”, the Sport dis-
play appears again.
This is only possible, however, if you do not reset
the stopwatch in the on-board computer menu be-