User's Manual

Table Of Contents
3. Click Sa
ve to enable the device number conguraon.
or main door staon (D series or V series), the serial No. is 0.
For sub door staon (D series or V series), the serial No. cannot be 0. Serial No.
ranges from 1 to 99.
For each villa or building, at least one main door staon (D series or V series)
should be congured, and one sub door staons (D series or V series) can be
For one main door staon (D series or V series), up to 8 sub door staons can
be congured.
Linked Network Sengs
1. Click In
tercom → Session Sengs to enter the sengs page.
Figure 9-20 Session Sengs
2. Se
t Registraon Password.
3. Set Main Staon IP and VideoIntercom Server IP.
4. Enable Protocol 1.0.
5. Click Save to enable the sengs.
Permission Password
1. Click Intercom → Password Sengs to enter the sengs page.
Video Intercom Face Recognion Door Staon User Manual